
Who am I?

A software/hardware builder based in NYC.

What have I done?

I started doing ornate architectural metalwork with a French guild in 2014. Instead of going to France to continue apprenticing, I chose to study Electrical Eng @ University.

I got into aerospace and physics research there. And then ended up doing an 8-month internship for Amazon Logistics; ML forecasting volume propagation through the delivery chain.

While interning, I founded a startup with my best friends. Amazon gave me a full-time offer, and I negotiated the start date so I could drop out of University, and work on my startup nights & weekends.

We launched 3 MVPs in total, did a POC with a big customer, and have a few star customers — we did almost everything backward and made a 1000 mistakes. Fast forward to April 2020, we fail to fundraise and our team falls apart. I move on to work at AWS, then later engineering at Stedi. Stedi was great, and let me scratch my product-itch by doing developer advocacy.

What I'm doing now.

Today, I'm building various projects. My main focus is Better You, a personal AI Coach. It's the intersection of

  1. Something that I personally use.
  2. Something that helps people.
  3. Something that I'm excited to create.

I like to imagine a Cortana (for Master Chief), or a Jarvis (for Tony Stark) will exist in the world. Living alongside us, offer endless patience to steer us toward who we want to be.


Contact me at [support@betterapp.co]
or DM me on twitter @davitbalag